Bob Telford – True Fruitfulness
Bob Telford joined us for “You’re Invited” service to celebrate Harvest and spoke from John 12: 20-26, “True Fruitfulness”.
Bob Telford joined us for “You’re Invited” service to celebrate Harvest and spoke from John 12: 20-26, “True Fruitfulness”.
You’re invited to celebrate Harvest with us (and Bob Telford) 11am Sunday 6th October Please bring food gifts of non-perishable goods, cans, tins or packets. The food collection this year will be given to the Coventry Food Bank Network at Coventry City Mission. Harvest gifts can be brought on the Read more…
Darren Burgess spoke at our “You’re Invited” service on Mark 5:21-34, “Trusting in the face of weakness”.
Chris Burgess joined us (from Rugby YFC) to talk about “What are you Wearing”, continuing our “Spirituality – Looking in the Wrong Places” series.
Ivor Cooper joined us for out “Invited” service talking about Freedom in our “Good News” series, Mark 5:1-20.