Breakfast @9:30 – Sunday 25 June

With Paul Wilmott & friends” Breakfast@9.30 starts with cereal and a cooked breakfast followed by a family friendly service. This week we will have a more leisurely breakfast. At 10.15, Paul and his puppets will lead us in a time of fun, singing, story-telling and other activities. We will conclude Read more…

Canley Alpha – starts 8th Feb 2017

Alpha is for everyone who is curious about life and faith.
Come and join us on Wednesdays for pizza, coffee, & conversation. Each week there will be a short video to explore the basics of Christianity and then it is over to you – no question is out of bounds and you are free to say as much or as little as you like.
Alpha runs for 8 weeks.

Starts Wednesday 8 February at the church
6pm Pizza – 6.30 start

Christmas at Canley Community Church

webCome and celebrate Christmas with us! Leaflets will be available in the church building on the table by the door for you to take home as a reminder or to share with family and friends to invite them along too.

Family Carol Service – Sunday 18th December at 11am
Carols & nativity for all the family

Carols by Candlelight – Saturday 24th December at 6:30pm
Followed by coffee & mince pies

Christmas Day at 10.30am
Worship the new born King with us
