It is with sadness that we confirm that, in line with Government restrictions, the church building will be closed for all activities from 5th November to December 2nd. This includes the café as well as our services. It is planned that we will continue to live stream the Family Service from the building at its usual time of 11am on Sunday mornings. Only those taking part in the service will be able to attend the building. For those who have no internet access we will continue to produce DVD copies of the service.
During this difficult time we continue to support members and friends of the church with phone calls, doorstep visits and practical support where needed. Thank you to all of those who are helping with this.
It has been a great joy to be back in the building for the month of October and, God willing, we look forward to being back in the building in December, but whatever happens we plan to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas is not cancelled!
The Leadership Team
5th November 2020